Blind Dating Based on Bodies: Is it Worth Trying?


Dating has become an essential part of our lives, and with the advent of technology, online dating has become more popular than ever. However, have you ever heard of "blind dating based on bodies"? It's a new trend in the dating world, and it has sparked a lot of curiosity among users of dating apps. In this blog post, we'll explore this trend and provide you with valuable information and advice on dating.

Tips for Successful Blind Dating Based on Bodies

If you've decided to try blind dating based on bodies, here are some tips to make it successful:

1. Be open-minded: Since you won't be able to see each other's faces, it's essential to be open-minded and focus on other aspects of the person.

2. Dress to impress: Since physical attraction is the focus of this trend, it's essential to dress to impress. Wear something that accentuates your best features.

3. Communicate: Communication is key in any relationship, and blind dating based on bodies is no exception. Talk to your date and get to know them on a deeper level.

4. Have fun: Dating should be fun, and blind dating based on bodies is no exception. Enjoy the experience and don't take it too seriously.


Blind dating based on bodies might not be for everyone, but it's worth trying if you're looking for something unique and adventurous. Remember to be open-minded, dress to impress, communicate, and have fun. Who knows, you might find the love of your life without even seeing their face!
